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Understanding the Different Types of Fractures

Lots of impacts can result in broken or fractured bones. No matter what type of fracture you’re dealing with, or what caused your broken bone, you need the right fracture care.

Dr. Jeffrey Pearson and the team at Orthopedic Specialists of Louisiana have extensive experience caring for broken bones and fractures of all types. Dr. Pearson can treat your broken bone, even if it’s a comminuted or compound fracture, from locations in Shreveport and Bossier City, Louisiana.

What type of fracture are you facing? Here’s the information you need about the different types of breaks and fractures that can affect your bones.

Types of broken bones and fractures

Different types of injury or stress may cause your bones to fracture or break in specific ways. These are the most common types of fractures Dr. Pearson treats:

Stress fractures

This commonly-experienced type of bone fracture doesn’t involve your bone separating into multiple pieces. Instead, the effects of ongoing repetitive stress cause tiny hairline fractures, like cracks in your bone. Stress fractures worsen over time, and often heal with rest.

Stable fractures

If you suffer a stable fracture, your bone breaks into two pieces, but the ends of the bones remain correctly aligned. This type of break doesn’t need repositioning, and typically involves less trauma to surrounding tissues, which means less overall healing time.

Comminuted fractures

When one or more of your bones shatters into at least three pieces, that type of injury is known as a comminuted fracture. Comminuted fractures tend to result from severe trauma, as it takes a lot of force to break a bone in multiple places. You have higher risks of severe pain and bone or tissue infection with this kind of fracture.

Treatment for a comminuted fracture may involve surgery to implant pins or rods to stabilize the affected bone and rebuild internal structure, which means a longer recovery period.

Compound fractures

Another type of severe bone break, compound fractures occur when broken bone causes tissue damage in the surrounding area. If this happens to you, you may be able to see bone protruding from an open wound in your skin, or be able to look down into a deep wound to the bone.

This type of broken bone carries a high associated infection risk, and also tends to be extremely painful. Complications related to blood loss may also occur. You need treatment right away for a compound fracture.

Periprosthetic fractures

These fractures are breaks or cracks appearing around a replacement joint. Dr. Pearson and the team at Orthopedic Specialists of Louisiana are highly experienced with this type of injury, and can advise you on whether you could benefit from revision joint replacement for your periprosthetic fracture.

Each of these types of broken bone needs the correct identification and treatment in order to help your body heal fully and correctly. When you know the nature of the problem, it’s easier to understand your treatment plan and recovery schedule.

Expert broken bone and fracture care

When you suffer an injury to your bones, whether a stress fracture or a dangerously protruding broken bone, you need the right medical care. Your bones are too important to your health and mobility to risk lasting complications from an incorrectly set or stabilized broken bone.

Dr. Pearson starts your fracture care at Orthopedic Specialists of Louisiana with assessment of your injury. Then, he works with you to develop a customized treatment plan to attain your rehabilitation.

Dr. Pearson can help with injuries to bones in your arms, legs, ankles, and more. For broken bone or fracture care, contact Orthopedic Specialists of Louisiana over the phone today, or request your appointment online now.

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