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Hip Replacement Specialist

Orthopedic Specialists of Louisiana

Dr. Jeffrey Pearson

Orthopedic Surgeon located in Shreveport, LA & Bossier City, LA

A hip replacement can help relieve pain and restore your mobility. Jeffrey Pearson, MD, at Orthopedic Specialists of Louisiana in Shreveport and Bossier City, Louisiana, specializes in hip replacement surgery using computer navigation. He performs anterior hip replacement to minimize pain and improve post-surgical recovery. To learn more about anterior hip replacement, contact the office nearest you by phone or book an appointment online today.

Hip Replacement Q & A


What is anterior hip replacement?

Anterior hip replacement is a newer and less invasive approach to hip replacement. During the procedure, Dr. Pearson gains access to your hip bone through the front instead of the back. 

In addition to less pain and a faster recovery, benefits of the anterior hip replacement include:

  • Smaller incisions
  • Procedure passes around or between muscles, sparing damage
  • Decreases risk of post-surgical dislocation
  • Allows surgeons to use X-rays during surgery for better accuracy


Dr. Pearson performs anterior hip replacement at Orthopedic Specialists of Louisiana.

Am I a good candidate for hip replacement?

When you visit Orthopedic Specialists of Louisiana for a hip replacement consultation, Dr. Pearson performs a thorough clinical exam to determine the procedure best suited for you. 

When it comes to a surgical approach for hip replacement, Dr. Pearson takes a case-by-case approach. He recommends anterior hip replacement to patients who will get the best outcomes from the less invasive procedures.

You may not be a good candidate for the anterior hip replacement if you have a history of hip surgery, a wide pelvis, or a muscular or obese body type. 


How do I prepare for hip replacement?

Once Dr. Pearson determines you’re a good candidate for hip replacement, he conducts preoperative and medical fitness testing. During this exam, he performs:

  • A history and physical
  • Comprehensive laboratory workup
  • Medical fitness testing, if needed
  • Review of post-surgical care


Dr. Pearson also prescribes preoperative physical therapy to improve your postoperative recovery. 


What happens during hip replacement?

During your anterior hip replacement, Dr. Pearson cuts through the tissue in the front of your leg to gain access to your hip joint. Then, he removes the damaged cartilage and bone and replaces it with a ball-and-socket prosthesis. 

With the modern techniques and advances in anesthesia, Dr. Pearson may perform your anterior hip replacement as an outpatient procedure, which means you get to go home the same day. 


What happens after hip replacement?

Dr. Pearson provides specific guidelines for postoperative care following your hip replacement. This includes wound care and physical therapy.

The success of your hip replacement depends on your dedication to your postoperative physical therapy program. 

For information about the Hip Surgery process, click here to watch videos.

To schedule your hip replacement consultation, call Orthopedic Specialists of Louisiana or book an appointment online today.